June 22, 2006
History of the Norwegian Settlements: A translated and expanded version of the 1908 De Norske Settlementers Historie and the 1930 Den Siste Folkevandring Sagastubber fra Nybyggerlivet i Amerika. The book was written by Hjalmar Rued Holand and translated by Malcolm Rosholt and Helmer M. Blegen. The book, published by Deb Nelson Gourley, Astri My Astri Publishing and edited by Jo Ann B. Winistorfer, was awarded the prestigious G. K. Haukebo Heritage Resource Award. The award, presented by the Heritage Education Commission, Minnesota State University Moorhead, recognizes projects that aid in preserving and/or restoring cultural heritage. Jo Ann B. Winistorfer submitted the award application. Photo by David J. Luyben.