September 21, 2007
History of the Norwegian Settlements: A translated and expanded version of the 1908 De Norske Settlementers Historie and the 1930 Den Siste Folkevandring Sagastubber fra Nybyggerlivet i Amerika. The book was published by Deb Nelson Gourley, Astri My Astri Publishing and edited by Jo Ann B. Winistorfer won first at the state level and then went on to win at the National level. The NDPC and NFPW awards were for editing. The 63-chapter non-fiction book lets readers trace the trails of 3,800 immigrants through Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and the Dakotas as they explore new frontiers and tame the wilderness during 1830-1870. Along the way lurk killer diseases, grasshopper plagues, prairie fires and loneliness.