Links :: Genealogical Resources
Genealogy Resources
Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center - Fort Wayne, IN
- - search
- Cyndi’s List - Norway/Norge
- Daughters of Norway
Det Norske Utvandrersenteret / The Norwegian Emigration Center - Stavanger, Norway
DIS-Norge, Slekt og Data - Genealogy Society of Norway
- Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter
Giants of the Earth Heritage Center - Spring Grove, MN
- - search
Google Norge - search
- Granby Gård - Emigration from Selbu and Tydal to America
- Gule Sider - Firma, Personer, Kart, Veibeskrivelse, Nettsøk
History of the Norwegian Settlements by Hjalmar Rued Holand (download 3800 Name Index pdf)
- Iowa Genealogical Society - genealogical research education
- - search
- Military Records - National Archives
- Minnesota Genealogical Society (MGS) - genealogical research education
N-AGA - Norwegian-American Genealogical Association
NAGC & NL - Norwegian American Genealogical Center & Naeseth Library, Madison, WI
NAHA - Norwegian American Historical Association, St Olaf College, Northfield, MN
- Nasjonalbiblioteket - in Norwegian, National Library of Norway, Oslo, Norway
- National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) - Nation's record keeper (USA)
- National Library of Norway - in English, Oslo, Norway
- Nordic Heritage Museum - Seattle, WA
- Nordmanns Forbundet / Norwegians Worldwide
- Nordmænene i Amerika by Martin Ulvestad - original 1907 & 1913 books in Dano-Norwegian Gothic script
- Norsk Slektshistorisk Forening - The Norwegian Genealogical Society
- Norway House - A bridge between Norway and the United States, Minneapolis, MN
- Norway in the United States - Embassy and Consulates General
- Norwegian genealogy links -, cemeteries, censuses, marriages, military, passenger lists & societies
- Norwegian genealogy links -, many hundreds of links
- Public Libraries of the United States
- Sons of Norway
- - search
Store Norske Leksikon - Norwegian encyclopedia search
The Promise of America - Norwegian emigration to America and Norwegian-American history 1825-2000
Trønderlag of America - Internet Genealogy Resources
USGenWeb Archives - genealogical research listed by state
USGenWeb Project - genealogical research listed by state
Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum - Decorah, IA
- Voss Genealogical Resources
Wikipedia - free encyclopedia
Wisconsin State Genealogical Society - genealogical research education
WorldCat - search - world's largest network of library content and services
Yahoo! - search
Yahoo! Canada - people finder