Links :: Maps, Atlases & Plat Books
Maps, Atlases & Plat Books
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries in USA - via The Newberry Library
Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States - digital edition reproduces all of the atlas's nearly 700 maps
Atlases and Plat Books - Minnesota, 1909-1916, County & Township
County Maps - Iowa
County Maps - Minnesota
County Maps - North Dakota
County Maps - South Dakota
County Maps - Wisconsin
Geographical Names - Norway listed A-Z or use search in upper right corner
GIS Maps - Agricultural data including farmland values, soil productivity ratings, crop mix and parcel ownership information in USA
- Google earth
- Google maps
Google maps gallery - easily explore maps
- Gulesider kart (maps)
Historic Map Works - historic digital map database of North America and the world
Historical Atlases and Maps of USA - rotating animated maps showing all of the county boundary changes
Historiske kart - 8000 historical maps from the Norwegian Mapping Authority, high resolution [free]
- - search Norway map
Kommuner - list of municipalities of Norway & location maps via Wikipedia
Norway's Parishes - legend (highways and streets, topographic map, satellite imagery)
Norge i bilder - search (bilder, sted, kartlag, siste prosjekter, eksport)
- - search Norway map
Norwegian Genealogy Kit - poster containing 17 fylker (districts) and 433 kommuner (municipalities) maps
Old Maps Online - discovering the cartography of the past
Territory Map - Minnesota, 1850